总建筑面积: 230,213 sqm²
功能配置:商业 25,000 m2; 办公 56,274 m2; 孵化器 71,562 m2; SOHO 77,377 m2
容积率: 1.74
Sias Mixed-Use Master Planning from Archimorphic on Vimeo.
A strong pattern is becoming clear in mixed-use, master planning projects in China: the repetitious use of a similar tower typology. Driven by commercial profit, the exterior qualities of the tower become a by-product of numbers and economic equations.
For the Sias master plan, we developed multiple building typologies each responding intimately to their respective programs and ability to foster social interaction. Rectangular, bar-shaped towers form the community’s outer perimeter on three sides and acts as an interface between the new community and the existing urban fabric.
At the center of the community, low-density courtyard offices occupy the landscape. The individual courtyard offices link together to form larger, communal courtyards. A central water feature enhances the communal courtyard spaces and provides a physical connection back to the larger community plan.
At the west edge, a commercial center and sports arena shape a prominent corner of the community. The dynamic geometries embody the creative nature and high-energy of the community. Rising from the commercial center, a hotel extends the dynamic geometry vertically with multiple interjections of green space across the façade. The hotel and commercial massing combine to create an iconic corner for a prominent intersection.